Mastering Self-Publishing one-on-one : From Script Editing to Book Cover Design and Beyond!
I will provide one-on-one guidance on how to edit your manuscript, create future templates, design your book cover, and handle all technical aspects related to book cover creation for future books. By the end of our sessions, you will publish your first book!

Time & Place / Zeit & Ort
Please book a session of your choice below.
Virtual Event!
Program Details
Book this course by paying your primary registration, and I will get in touch to schedule our four appointments. We will meet four times within a month, and I will be available for questions and answers for an additional two months, making it a total of three months for the extra fee of 2000€. This could be the start of a side hustle for you.
Book here!
Primary Registration
After paying this, we meet and create a plan. Then you pay your fee to start.
€100.00Fee:Mastering Self-Publishing
Mastering Self-Publishing one-on-one